Principal’s Message (Dayalbagh)

Dr Sanjay Bansal
Principal (BPS Dayalbagh)
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Dear Parents,
Education in today’s world is a challenge for parents and school as well. A good education is one that enables a child to develop into a responsible citizen in this competitive world and at the same time live life the way he/she desires. For us as the facilitators, among the various means of education, the school excels all others. It’s a special place where young minds, through the rich traditions of culture and values of life are developed in to responsible citizens. The school in its efforts develops, unifies and enriches their personality. At BPS we believe in the fundamental dignity of each individual. We believe that education excellence helps to develop understanding, reasoning and thinking skill. It also helps to instill a lifelong appreciation for learning and help foster a sense of moral and ethical behavior.
We aim to ensure that competencies of your child are enhanced so as to enable him/ her to lead in the intensively competitive, technology driven and fast evolving global society and this is what guides the design, the format and the functioning at Baluni Public School.
At BPS we strongly believe that every child is talented and meritorious in a unique way and as such we only need to spot talent and nurture them to their full potential. At BPS we not only focus on the academic but also ensure that all students are well disciplined, well-mannered and have respect for the rich Indian culture and traditions, society and nation as a whole.
Baluni Public School is a unit of Dr. Baluni Education Society that has been leading in shaping the careers of aspirants preparing for IIT-JEE and PMT since its inception in 2002.
Innovation, leadership and Honesty are our core pillars that give Baluni Public School its own unique character and identity.
BPS is an attempt to Strengthen the roots, Redefine schools Reinvent classrooms of the future.